fedora/Linux 25 broadcom wifi driver issue SOLVED!!!

Today i will be talking about wifi driver installation on fedora 25 for broadcom adaptors

###### Why we do not have drivers for broadcom ######
1) Broadcom doesn't provide drivers for linux
2) It doesn't make it open source

##### How to check version #######
1) We can check the version and corresponding drivers
lspci -v | grep -i broadcom
2) We can try to enable in the kernel
yum list installed kernel*
3) Which wifi adaptors have which drivers

##### Don't get discouraged ######
1) Connect ethernet port to the laptop or PC
2) First we need to install rpm fusion (https://rpmfusion.org/)
rpm -ivh name.rpm
3)* Check your kernel version before you install kernel devel and headers
yum list installed kernel*
yum install kernel-devel-4.8.6*
yum install kernel-headers-4.8.6*

4) yum install akmod-wl
modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma

6) yum list installed kernel*
7) Check which version is akmod building, install all the dependencies
8) Checking kmods exist for 4.8.6-300.fc25.x86_64 OK
Building and installing wl-kmod OK

9) sudo modprobe wl
10) sudo modprobe wl
modprobe: FATAL: Module wl not found
Check kernel version installed and being built with wl

modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma
Network Cards
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