Google's Amazing Floating Data Centers

Google's in the final stages of building a four-story tall data center on a ship in San Francisco Bay that will be not only cooled, but also powered, renewably, by the ocean. An investigative report by CNET left little doubt that the secretive project is the work of Google:
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Google is in the final stages of building a four-story tall data center on a ship in San Francisco Bay that will be not only cooled, but also powered, renewably, by the ocean. An investigative report by CNET left little doubt that the secretive project is the work of Google, who has set the project up under the name "By And Large" -- a play on the By N Large corporation in the Pixar film Wall-E. A patent Google filed in 2008 laid out plans for a data center on a barge that is continuously powered by ocean currents, using sea water to cool the servers. This is yet another way Google is leading the world to a better place, because the electricity dedicated to powering America's growing need for data centers is approaching 2% of total domestic energy usage. Not only is this a good move for the environment, but it will allow Google the flexibility to move its data centers wherever they are needed without breaking them down or building new ones from the ground up. It seems the Buy n Large analogy is becoming truer by the day, what with Google already dominating the internet business, poised to take over the infrastructure of the internet - with fiber, and on the cusp of revolutionizing modern transportation as we know it through its driverless car technology. Oh yeah, and it's stock value just crossed the elite $1,000-a-share threshold.

, Google,Data Center,Server,Internet,Fiber,Driverless Car,Technology,Science,Ship,Floating,Floating Data Center,Ocean,San Francisco,San Francisco Bay,Invention,Software,Google Search (Website),Boat,Company,Cool,Inspiring,Sergey Brin (Billionaire),Larry Page (Billionaire),Business,Google Fiber (Project),Project,Secret,CNET,Vlog,Commentary,News,Bryce,energy,renewable,power,electricity,Global,Warming,Climate,Change,Solar,Green,Solar Energy (Industry),Wind Power (Industry),Car
Data Centers
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