Network Linking Devices | Hubs | Bridges | Switches | Routers

#ONLINE EDUCATION# Network Linking Devices
In this lecture, you will learn about the basic concepts of Network Linking Devices.
To create a network, some type of linking mechanism is needed to interconnect at least two computers. Sometimes this device can be as simple as a special cable, called a crossover cable, that is attached to two computers (NIC to NIC).
Although now you have a network, it is barely a network. If you want to add more devices, something more than a crossover cable is required. Most servers, nodes, and printers are attached by a linking device or a series of linking devices.
Linking devices have ports where cables connect them to the nodes, printers, or other devices that have ports or NICs installed.

#ONLINE EDUCATION#Network Linking Devices
Routers and Switches
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