SDC 2017 - DATEstor: Highly-available Metro Area Distributed Storage Systems - Takaki Nakamura

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We introduce Disaster-resilient, Autonomous, Tactical, and Economical storage (DATEstor) systems. The development of DATEstor is motivated by tragedies of the East Japan Great Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011. As the disaster damaged information networks as well as information storages, people in the disaster area were not able to access backup data stored in the safe area. They were therefore unable to benefit from information services such as resident registries and medical histories. To tackle this social issue, we have proposed metro area distributed storage systems and the two features: Risk-aware Data Replication (RDR) and Multi Route Restoration (MRR). The RDR feature replicates data to nearby safe sites while considering the damage risk at both primary sites and backup sites. The MRR feature restores data simultaneously from survived backup sites. In this talk, we present the overview of DATEstor and the demonstration of developed systems.
Network Storage
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