Broadcom - The Company With Tech In All Your Gadgets

Broadcom - The Company With Tech In All Your Gadgets

Broadcom has technology that sits in every technological device you’ll have used in the last 24 hours. Laptops, mobile phones, home appliances, vehicles, wherever and whenever you see a computing device doing its magic, it’s likely that it’s running with the help of technology designed by Broadcom.

So, what is that ubiquitous and omnipresent technology with such vast application that makes Broadcom so ever-present yet so hidden?


If you'd like to increase your knowledge on topics related to Broadcom and Semiconductors, here are some books that might interest you:
- Mr. Ruehle, You Are A Free Man - A Broadcom Saga: My Fight for Justice :
- The Microchip Revolution: A Brief History :
- Troublemakers: Silicon Valley's Coming of Age :
- The Chip: How Two Americans Invented the Microchip and Launched a Revolution :
- A History of the Future :


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