How to factory reset your D-Link switch DXS-3350SR

Step 1: Connect the computer to the console port.
Step 2: Run HyperTerminal with recomended settings
Step 3: On the Connection Description window, enter a name for this connection. Click OK.
Step 4: On the Connect To window, select the COM port that the serial cable is connected to using the drop-down box next to Connect Using. Click OK.
Step 5: On the COMx Properties (x represents the COM port number) window, select the following settings using the drop-down boxes:
* Bits per second -- 115200
* Data bits -- 8
* Parity -- None
* Stop bits -- 1
* Flow control -- Hardware
Click OK.
You will now see a blank screen which shows Connected at the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
Step 6: Now power off and power on again the switch.
Step 7: Immediately press Shift+6+3 (or Shift+^+3) simultaneously and keep them pressed until appears "Do you want to load the default configuration? (y/n)"
Step 8: Press "y", wait few seconds and logon without username and password (just press Enter twice)
Step 9: Type "reset config" - Enter, then "y"
Step 10: Type "save" - Enter

That's all...
The IP address now is default and you can logon without username and password
Routers and Switches
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