Eye on Mellanox - ConnectX & RiverMax Streaming UHD IP Video Has Never Been Easier


Rivermax leverages the ConnectX adapter hardware capabilities to shape and pace video traffic across an IP fabric.
The advantages of the solution include a zero-copy frame-level video transport that reduces CPU cycles by offloading video streaming from CPU cores to the network adapter and bypassing the operating-system kernel.
Additionally, ConnectX and Rivermax provide built-in hardware-based video acceleration that delivers superior performance in GPU environments.
For media production, the solution reduces total cost of ownership while enabling unprecedented flexibility and agility by re-purposing the same hardware infrastructure for diverse workloads and increasing the number of video streams processed in a single CPU core by up to 25x.
By deploying Mellanox ConnectX and Rivermax in virtualized cloud environments, media production solution providers are able to exceed the required agility, scalability and efficiency to successfully deliver next-generation ultra-high-definition video streaming.
Mellanox Technologies
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