Toslink Fiber OpticsTOSLINK is a standard system of connection with the help of fiber optics (light conductors). The standard is commonly known as EIAJ optical. It is often used in home audio equipment and computer audio cards, where the audio flow is transmitted between such components as MiniDisc-, CD-, DVD-player and AV-receivers. TOSLINK can use inexpensive plastic fiber optics with the thickness of 1 mm, high-quality plastic fiber optics or even quartz fiber depending on the desired broadband. Initially, TOSLINK was developed by Toshiba to transmit audio flows in PCM format between the branded CD-players and AV-receivers. But it wasn't long until it was adapted for most of CD-players, irrespective of the manufacturer. In the past TOSLINK systems used only direct data flows from CD-players, but now the S/PDIF format has become the most universal. For instance, in DVD-players it is used to transmit digital audio flows to Dolby Digital/DTS - surround sound decoders. TOSLINK has several different slot (connector) types. But audio equipment for the most part uses standard square slots with domelike cable ends, which enable maximum signal transmission and resistance to mechanical damage. All of the above make TOSLINK a good fit for AV-complexes and Hi-Fi systems of different complexity requiring high-quality optics connection. Products List: BW1537 TOSLINK Fiber Optics
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